Saturday, May 14, 2011

Where's mine?!!!

Beef, it's what's for dinner!!!!
A few days ago, I marinated and grilled some steaks for dinner.  I paired it with some buttered cilantro rice and salted tomatoes.  It was a great meal, unfortunately I had to eat it alone because my fam went to sleep.  It did make me sad  for a bit, but the upside is I could eat as much as I want.  My cats kept me company and we had a good time.  Except Sam kept eying my food while I ate.  I could feel his attempt at mind control while I ate.  I felt the urge to slide my plate over to him and leave the table.  I thought it was funny until he started trying to eat from my plate the same time as me.  That crossed the line because he stuck out his paw and tried to push my steak to him.  That's why I kicked him off the table.  I'm always eating the cats' hair and I told them I had enough fiber and hair in my diet.  EEEEWWWWWW.  We call Sam rude because he sticks his butthole in everyone's face especially when you're on the computer or trying to eat food.  It makes you puke and he expects you to look at it like it's a great piece of art.  I always wondered why he did that.  I figured he's trying to mark his territory or something.  Honestly, I feel like I'm at a cat strip club when he does this.  I keep yelling at him to stop putting his junk in my face.  He just whacks me with his tail and starts purring. 
I found out though that Sam does this around food because he's mad no one's giving him anything. So he wants to spoil your dinner.  So now, I call him Sam asshole.
Love me!!!

Who knew cats love steak too?? I thought it's for dogs, humans, wolves, etc. 

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