Monday, May 9, 2011

Orange Chicken Frankenstein

What was I thinking?  I made a new type of orange chicken without the orange sauce and it came out good, but I have to say it smelled a little funny.  I wanted to make a better orange sauce but I had no orange juice just dried orange peels, so I made a ketchup based sauce. I put cocktail sauce for heat, orange peel, ginger, garlic, and onion powder, honey, red wine vinegar, and soy sauce.  It was a franken mess but it tasted really good.  I also battered a pack of cut up chicken thighs with buttermilk.  I used a mix of flour and cornstarch to see if it make any difference with frying.  Guess what, I ended up just using flour at the end because honestly I didn't see any difference.  The only thing I noticed was that the cornstarch burned quicker than the flour.  It was a holy crap mess!!!! But I had fun doing it.  One of the cats tried begging me for chicken....but he smelled it and ran I wondered, can I feed this to my family without killing them??!!!  I decided to go with it and cooked up the ketchup sauce.  I had to stand back because the spices burned my nostrils......Did you know that spices become more distinct when you cook them?  Well, they do because when I served it to my family my sister gave me a look like I was trying to poison her.  She ate it though and said "I don't like it it's too hot."  I just smiled at her like I was saying, "I like it this hot."  Which I thought I did, but my stomach started burning and rolling around.  I was trying to discreetly look for Tums or maybe water without her noticing.  Then my brother in law came and ate it too.  I was waiting for him to spit it out or maybe tell me something but all he did was eat it.  I was trying not to laugh while worrying that we're all going to be in the bathroom for the next few hours.  The most scary thing is that we only have two bathrooms and we're 3 people.  I hope I am not going to be the one going the gas station next door to use the bathroom.  I drank coke and water though and my stomach is fine.  We all seem to be fine.....for now.  I am now trying to eat a bunch of lettuce leaves to calm my burning stomach, which seems to work.  The family seems fine so I would like to think of this dinner as a success.  No successful new recipes, and I think I'll go back to my old orange chicken recipe and use this one for a bbq sauce.  I think it is a better chicken on a stick then orange chicken or general tso chicken. On side note, the choice of marinated chicken thighs is a successful idea!!!!   

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