Saturday, May 14, 2011

Great steak dinner!!!

Steak marinade
1 gallon storage plastic bag
1T garlic powder
1T onion powder
1 tsp. ginger powder
1 tsp. black pepper
1 T honey
1/3 c. soy sauce
1-2 tsp. lemon pepper
1-2 tsp. salt
2 T.  lemon juice

I got 3-4 top round sirloin steaks from the supermarket.  I don't know much about meat cookery but I usually poke 1 or two holes into my meat before I throw them in the ziploc bag.  I find that the marinade seeps into the meat better and when you cook it, it's not just the outside that you can taste the flavor.  That's when I put the marinade in  the bag.  Zip it up and shake it around so the meat is evenly coated.  I try to marinate the beef for 15- 30 minutes before I put it on the grill or broiler.  I usually stick this in the fridge and do other things.  Don't marinate overnight or 3 hours or something like that.  If you do, the soy sauce flavor will really take over and you might as well be making jerky.  It won't taste like meat anymore either.
We have an electric foreman grill so I put the setting on 3 and let it heat up for 5-10 minutes before I put the steaks on.  I do this because I want the meat to sear on the grill so it seals in the flavor. I let one side cook for 5-6 minutes before I turn it over.  An important thing to not do is put the cover on when you first start grilling the first side of the steak.  It will just steam and boil the inside without adding the sear on the outside.  All the flavor will leak out on the grill too.  
I usually leave the other side to cook for 5 minutes too, depending on how big the steaks are.  My steaks were brontosaurus size so I left them on the grill a little bit longer.  I like medium to medium well steak so it's good.  

Tip: If you're not eating right away or let's say everyone went to sleep on you, I kept it in the oven for 275 for 15 minutes then turned off the oven. It surprisingly came out really good.  It was almost well done though but the meat was still tender because of the marinade. 

looks done, but still a little bloody, perfect steak!!

Also make sure you rest the steaks for 15 minutes before you eat.  Just tent it with some aluminum foil and leave it on the counter.  The inside will be juicy and it will be perfect.

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