Monday, May 16, 2011

beefball udon soup

This is super uber yummy.  It's kind of cold here in Vegas, which is weird because it's May so I made this soup.  I think it will be a reoccurring dish for my family too!!!

Beef meatballs
½ lb ground beef
¼ c. uncooked white rice
1 tsp. ground ginger
1 T. onion powder
1 T. finely chopped scallion
1 egg
¼ c. Italian breadcrumbs
1 tsp. marjoram
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 48 oz. package chicken stock
2 carrots medium dice
2 large leaves swiss chard, escarole, or use 1 package chopped frozen spinach
1/2 of a package of dried udon noodles or 2 tied bunches
¼ c. scallions chopped
1 tsp. ground ginger
TT salt
TT white pepper

1. Take a large bowl and combine all beef ball ingredients and mix. All ingredients should be evenly mixed.
2. Heat up chicken stock with white part of scallions and ground ginger. 
3. When stock is boiling, pinch little balls of meat and roll in hands until you get a meatball.
4. Drop in meatballs and let cook until rice is done and balls are floating on top of soup. Add carrots and any hard vegetables.
5. Cook udon noodles in separate pot like pasta, so your soup will remain clear and not gummy tasting.  Don’t add salt.  Follow directions on package.
6. Add leaf vegetables to soup pot and let cook until leaves are tender.  Add salt and seasonings to taste. 
7.  Before service, add cooked udon noodles to soup and stir in. Serve with chopped green scallions.

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