Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sasha pics!!!

I call this hairtie love.  She takes my hairties and plays with them until they break.  Sasha steals my hairstuff in the middle of the night like a ninja.  She sits next to me and when I wake up all my hairties are destroyed and all over the floor.  Sometimes in the middle of the night, I turn an her ass is in my face chewing all my  stuff on the nightstand.  That's why for Christmas, I give her a pack of scuncis.   My baby girl loves to destroy everything.  She also loves to watch me do anything.  Every painting I do has her and Sam in it because they try to sit in my paint and lick my work.
The other weird thing Sasha does is visit me in the bathroom.  I don't know why but I feel a lot of pressure when she comes in.  She tries to do her business at the same time as I do.  She just walks in and sits with me.  It's creepy.  I can't pee with her in the bathroom.  I know she's a cat but it still feels like I'm being watched and graded by her or something. She also wants to be patted and coddled over while you're on the toilet.  She rubs her tail and butt all over you.  It still freaks me out.

This is Sasha in my bedroom.  She sits while I blog about her.  She hates having her picture taken and always looks away from the camera.  Like me.  I love taking pictures of her though and I keep trying to take them.  So, here are some more pics.  She looks so regal and clean.  She is playing with her beat up ball right now.  And she's rubbing herself all over the laptop too.  I call her Sasha Bigbutt just to make fun of her.  LOL

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